(From September 2003)
Actually this title is deceptive. There's a lot of
things that “human nature” isn't, but there's a
lot that it is, too. That's my point: human nature is a
subjective thing that someone applies to selective human
behaviors for their own reasons. Human beings are so
complex, diverse, and creative that monolithic
explanations are very tough to swallow.
Many believe
that personalities and social characteristics are
determined by a unique mix of “nature” and
“nurture”. That is, that someone's genetic
makeup is combined with their child raising and
socialization experiences. Still, that is only half of an
explanation. People can self-correct their behavior and
tendencies in life, many times over. Men can stop
cheating on their wives, bullies can stop picking on the
weak, the obese can reformulate better eating and
exercise patterns, and so on.
According to the political lie that is “human
nature” (i.e. claims made to serve a political or
ideological purpose) there are many cynical ways of
viewing our behaviors: humans need strong leaders to
guide them through life, children need to be strongly
disciplined when growing up, people will always be at
odds with people who are different than them, people are
selfish and will steal from others if they can't earn
something themselves, etc.
Of course, many of these “truths” can be
easily refuted. Do the strong parents of families deprive
their children of food? We view it as distinctly
dysfunctional when parents deprive their children, not as
“human nature”. When your friends get together,
is there a boss who orders people to get food, drinks, a
video, respectively? Such people would not retain
friends, obviously, and humans easily self-organize
themselves to share their resources for collective
Many would agree that, yes, the bonds of family and
friends have a strong tendency towards compassionate
relationships. But, what of the average stranger on the
street? Scholars have pointed out repeatedly that the
chances of being killed by a serial killer are so
minuscule as to warrant nearly no consideration. The same
goes for stranger rape and kidnappings. Think of sporting
events or other large public gatherings like parties or
clubs: how much violence occurs here, although you have
diverse and otherwise (presumably) hostile people? When
violence breaks out, it is viewed as an anomaly; most do
not appreciate their leisure and free time being marred
by such things.
Do people normally cut in lines with disregard for
others waiting?
Instead, consider the chances that someone would stop
to help someone with a flat tire or in a car accident. Or
how people hold doors open for complete strangers. Or how
frequently hitchhikers can get rides to go where they
need to. Most people take as fact that humans have a
right to food, shelter, and clothing, and will act
accordingly by donating money, clothing, or food, and
will openly praise those who work in such service
That said, there are many problems that humans have,
including many Americans: apathy, indifference,
self-centeredness, aggressiveness, brusqueness, and so
forth. But, does this mean that even people who fit this
description will always behave in such ways? Perhaps
these problems are pathologies derived from our
dog-eat-dog economic system or our disconnected form of
There are many times that such cynical people can
break out of their socialized behaviors and act with
compassion, mutual aid, solidarity, good will, honesty,
and justice. In blizzards people routinely pull over to
help those who go off the road in their cars. They offer
their warm cars and cell phones to help others out. In
flood situations, communities pull together putting in
long days to sandbag dikes to protect houses and
buildings from intruding water levels, with no thought of
reimbursement or self-gain-- and easily self-organize
themselves to get the job done. In massive power outages
or after the attacks upon the World Trade Center and
Pentagon in 2001 people pull together and take care of
each other. They are kinder, more patient and respectful,
talk to those who need consoling and a friendly ear, and
give generously of themselves to help out their fellow
In the case of natural (and unnatural) disasters such
as these, the best potential of humans can be seen. Thus,
we can have hope that “normal” behavior of a
self-destructive kind is in fact the “deviant”
variety, that destroys the collective human spirit, and
causes paranoia, greed, megalomania, jingoism, and
violence. To do so, we must pull out the roots of racism,
sexism, homophobia, xenophobia, and overcome the push to
worship economic, political, and cultural authorities and
Humans are infinitely creative and resilient. We can
conquer our darker side if we only make the effort to do
so. In the process we will be confronted with systemic
forces that create resistance. We must have the
determination and vision to see past these obstacles.
Remember that wars are created by humans and wars can be
stopped by humans. We hold the power to change our lives,
and in doing so to even change our world.
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