[Written in 2004 during a particularly inspired moment of repulsion.]
Somewhere between the benign “what would
Jesus do?” (WWJD?) crowd and goose-stepping
fascists, are those who call themselves the “religious
Right”... as if there were anything “right”
about it, except its political orientation. These folks
seem to think that the laws of religion are as flexible
as the laws of gravity are to Jackie Chan movies or
“The Matrix”. They utilize all sorts of
religious passages, sayings, psalms, and teachings to
suit their own individualistic (and sick, in my opinion)
For example, a former adviser to “President”
Bush was on the radio tonight speaking about her “faith”.
She responded to a question asking whether it was okay
for the “President” to constantly invoke “God”
and his faith in public speeches, even though many are
not religious, while others are not Christian (the radio
host didn't bother adding that even some Christians could
do without a clown like Bush mouthing off). She stated
that “our faith” (as in, her and the “President”)
helps to put the country at ease during these “hard
times”, and that it's good for Bush to talk about
being humble, forgiving, and turning the other cheek (I
know, I know!! I'm not making this up!!)
The religious Right selectively uses this rhetoric
when it's convenient. For instance, it's all fine and
dandy for Bush to preach forgiveness towards his errors,
but there's only fire-and-brimstone for the millions of
innocent Afghanis that he wrecked his flimsy will upon
during that country's bombardment. Turning the other
cheek? Hah, that's what Bush demanded of Afghanistan:
turn your head so we can smack the other side now, too!
Far be it from me to lecture Bush on Christ, someone
who (if the Bible is accurate) was undoubtedly a radical
who was murdered by the State for his charismatic ability
to lead a social movement against the Roman Empire (and
corrupt Jewish tribal leaders). Surely Bush is aware that
Christ would have resisted any aggressive despot that
invades other countries, and that “turning the cheek”
is not just convenient rhetoric to toss about to persuade
others of your humanity.
The furor caused by “The Passion of the Christ”,
the movie by Mel Gibson, only illustrates the rabidity of
the religious Right to latch onto whatever medium and
means it can to further pervert Christianity. Sure,
“the passion” is only the last day of Jesus's
life, a day allegedly filled with unspeakable brutality.
But, why must one stomach long minutes of such torture on
the silver screen? Aren't there more important messages
to draw from the legacy of Christ? It's almost as if
Gibson and the Right wants to martyr Jesus not in order
to obtain a higher plane of morality, but to justify
retribution for their savior's untimely demise.
In fact, the only “Jesus Freaks” who I can
bear, are the Catholic Workers, who may or may not take
offense to such characterization. But, I mean it in the
most loving way: here are people who have taken the
actual meaning of Jesus to heart, and live it day and day
out. They live in poverty, sharing their homes and lives
with the least fortunate of society. They speak out
against violence, injustice, poverty, apathy, and moral
self-righteousness. Nothing has infused me with a renewed
sense of hope for the future of Christianity than hearing
about Workers chastising their Bishop for not taking a
stronger stance against the US war on Iraq, who instead
hid behind the Church's “just war theory”.
Unlike Bush's adviser and Bush himself, the Workers do
not feel themselves above literal meanings. As the Bible
notes, the hypocrite is one who does not apply to
him/herself standards that they demand of others. Thus if
one act of violence against innocents is wrong, than all
other acts of violence against the innocent is also
wrong. Of course this makes perfect sense, but the Bush
Mob and the Right realizes that organized religion, like
all other tools of control, may be wielded over others
only if the rules don't apply to them. Otherwise they
couldn't justify even owning a military or police or
prisons, let alone use them to bomb, invade, arrest, or
incarcerate millions!
Whenever I hear Bush say “god bless you”
after a speech, my mind visualizes his nose growing like
Pinocchio. I imagine him crossing his fingers under the
podium. I think of his inner-dialogue saying: “haha,
suckers!!”. His language is a tool of control just
as his “faith” is a self-delusion. Anyone can
realize that playing favorites, especially with a jerk
like Bush, is not in any god's best interest.
Further, why would a god (at least a kind and just
one) advocate the assassination of doctors, the execution
of the poor on death row (when was the last time a rich
man was executed?), invasions and crusades, censorship,
patriarchy and sexism, slavery, compulsory and
officialized religion and prayer, or the consolidation of
political and economic power? Why does the Right demand
that “intelligent design” (code for “creationism”)
be taught in secular schools? Why does the Right root and
cheer for Israel's crimes against the Palestinian people,
while simultaneously adhering to grotesque antisemitism?
Why does the Right cry bloody murder when people protest
clearly religious symbols and endorsements like the Ten
Commandments in courthouses and “In God We Trust”
on our money and Pledge of Allegiance? Why does the Right
advocate “celibacy” while it is clear that such
teaching does not work? Why does the Right condemn women
for choosing to have children or not, but then say “too
bad for you” when children are born into poverty?
The same forked-tongue is everywhere-- Jesus told me
to do this: “He told me to bomb this or that
country! He told me to kill that abortion doctor! He told
me to molest those parishioners! He told me to keep my
wife in her place! Blah blah blah!”
Then, they turn around, as Mumia Abu-Jamal notes, in
the US's celebration of “MLK Day”: “Imagine
the most violent nation on earth, the heir of Indian and
African genocide, the only nation ever to drop an atomic
bomb on a civilian population, the world's biggest arms
dealer, the country that napaled over ten million people
in Vietnam (to “save” it from communism), the
world's biggest jailer, waving the corpse of King,
calling for nonviolence!” Talk is cheap, when it
dribbles out of the mouths of powerful elites.
Let's recognize this for what it is: hypocrisy.